
Drawn From History – Cromwell and Christmas

Drawn From History – Cromwell and Christmas

Not everyone in history has been a fan of Christmas.  From the 1640's to the Restoration in 1660, the celebration of Christmas and other saints' days was prohibited on paper (if not in practice).   Contrary to popular belief, this was not Oliver Cromwell's...

Cartoon Christmas Cards 2016 – now on sale

Cartoon Christmas Cards 2016 – now on sale

This year’s incredibly Christmassy designs feature drug-laced snowmen, reindeer-on-reindeer violence, over enthusiastic gift buyers and a familiar sleigh-pulling line up. Not exactly shepherds and angels, but perhaps you have friends and relatives who’d appreciate them.

Drawn From History

Drawn From History

Drawn From History is now published and available to buy from all good retailers Unashamedly drawn with twenty-twenty hindsight and through a modern lens, my debut book is a sideways look at the story of Britain from the end of the Ice Age to the dawn of the...

Drawn From History

Cartoons from Summer 2016

This Summer, my time has been largely devoted to creating the core cartoon content for my upcoming book - Drawn From History. There will be some exciting announcements regarding this in the days to come. For the time being I present another roundup of cartoons from...

Olympic Compendium

You probably noticed the Olympics.  It was a big deal and we did rather well. Though the statistic of being 'the first country to increase their medal count after hosting the previous Olympics' is exactly the sort of niche statistic that demonstrates you can find a...

Competitive Cards

Competitive Cards

Another set of greetings cards - some old, some new and some reworked. I've created these as part of the OhhDeer PaperJam competition. Just being involved in the competition provides great exposure for artists and illustrators such as myself, which is great - but it's...