
Cartoons from June 2017
The James Mellor Creative cartoon update for June covers an eventful month. The general election is over (for now), the Brexit talks have begun, America continued its downward spiral and we had a whole week of summer. This month also contains many significant...

General Election 2017 (well, the first one at least…)
In the wake of last week's General Election, I've put together a gallery of associated cartoons from the past few weeks. They were created over the course of the campaign and cropped up across twitter, facebook and this site so I thought it might be nice to...

Cartoons from May 2017
The UK General Election has provided much of the material in this month's round-up. No surprises there. But not to worry - it's not all politics. Included are cartoons on Star Wars Day, Goth Day(?), Florence Nightingale, dressing a baby, Joan of Arc and...

Cartoons from April 2017
Welcome to another selection of cartoons from the past month. Of course, the biggest news in April was the Prime Minister's surprise announcement of a General Election in June. Initial reaction cartoons to this development can be found in a separate...

UK General Election – some early cartoons
A snap General Election was announced this Tuesday, which caught a lot of people by surprise. Looking at the polls, it should come as no surprise at all really. Perhaps it was the 10 months of constant insistence that there would be no snap election which...

Campaign for the release of 120+ journalists imprisoned in Turkey
One third of the world's imprisoned journalists are locked up in Turkey (including cartoonist Musa Kart - imprisoned for 160 days) #FreeTurkeyMedia Cartoonists Rights Network International

Cartoons from March 2017
March was a month which posed a lot of questions: Are witch hunts in Washington DC OK given that the witches are real, how many sub-referendums does it take to answer a question (by SNP logic) and has Hollywood run so low on ideas that everything successful must be...

Cartoons from February 2017
NASA discoveries, Academy Awards, The Six Nations, The Superbowl, Valentine’s dinners, ugly ducklings and a certain someone’s potential State Visit. Quite a selection for February’s cartoon collection.

Cartoons from January 2017
A selection of Cartoons from the past month. If there's slightly fewer than normal then the culprit can be found in panel one. New baby has dominated the past 6 weeks somewhat... However, it is business as usual these days and so if you require any cartoon...

5 Years Helping Businesses Communicate Their Messages
JMC: Research, Writing and Cartoon Illustration Business Birthday My daughter is now one month old. It’s been a wonderful and hectic month. In the midst of all the excitement (and, to some extent, chaos) surrounding a new-born baby, another milestone was...