
December 2019 – Cartoon Update
December is here and we in the thick of Christmas preparations and a General Election campaign. In the thick of some very thick election campaigns, as it would happen. So constant is the reporting of the election, it almost makes one wish for the 'good old days' when...

November 2019 Cartoon Update
Like a good lesson plan, this month's cartoon update has visual, aural and kinaesthetic elements. Look at the gallery, listen to the radio clip and vote for a cartoon. And perhaps buy a book, if you care to. It's been a big month. Brexit Day was delayed (to no-one's...

Launch Day for ‘Brexit: A Drawn-Out Process’
Today is launch day for 'Brexit: A Drawn-Out Process'. I hope you enjoy this cartoon journey through the Brexit impasse and that the jokes provide some respite from the tedium and frustrations of the real-life Brexit mess. Whether you're in favour of leaving or...

October 2019 Cartoon Update
I can't really pretend otherwise, the biggest cartoon news for me this month was the arrival of the first copies of Brexit - A Drawn-Out Process. My latest book will be published on 24th October and is already available to pre-order here. But the world outside my...

Brexit – A Drawn-Out Process
A New Book of Cartoons by James Mellor Coming this Autumn, or possibly delayed for three month. Or longer. Or revoked entirely. No! Definitely coming this Autumn - 'do or die'. My latest book is a journey back through the past three years of Brexit turbulence and an...

September 2019 Cartoon Update
Welcome to another selection of cartoons. Summer is often a quiet time, but not this year. Hot on the heels of Herne Bay was The London Cartoon Show, where you may have seen my work alongside that of over 30 of the UKs top cartoonists - all drawing on the theme of...

Herne Bay Cartoon Festival 2019
Cartoons by The Sea of Tranquillity I was excited last year to have a cartoon exhibited in Herne Bay Cartoon Festival's Turning the Tide exhibition. This year I was invited back, not only to exhibit multiple cartoons in the Fly Me to The Moon show, but to draw live on...

August 2019 Cartoon Update
At the time of writing I am resting up after a hectic weekend at Herne Bay Cartoon Festival - a wonderful celebration of art and humour that deserves, and will get, it's own post later this week. For now, here is the usual monthly compilation of some of my favourite...

July 2019 Cartoon Update
Who will climb the greasy pole to reach the uncertain prize? The Tory leadership contest has become considerably less fun to cover now the candidates have been whittled down to just two. There were some interesting and different characters to draw for a...

June 2019 Cartoon Update
It's June already(!) and time for another selection of cartoons. Some big stories featured this month, including EU elections that were not supposed to happen, The announcement of the Prime Minister's resignation and the arrival of a Royal baby. Lower down...