Welcome to another cartoon collection. I hope this update finds you well. And leaves you well, I suppose. I wouldn’t like to be held responsible for anything. The eagle-eyed amongst you will have spotted that there was no May update and I would like to offer my apologies for that. Lockdown has been rather testing, you see.
While it is true that for not a great deal has changed for cartoonists – many of us always worked from home, eschewed social contact and rationed irrational items – I was not accustomed to working from home in the company of two nursery age children.
Perhaps it’s cruel to pass the blame for my professional failure to meet a deadline onto two infants, but I guess that’s exactly what I’m doing. Wonderful though they are, they have made the past few months challenging.
Anyway, here we are now and below you will find a bumper collection of cartoons from the past two months (no prizes for guessing the theme of most). As always, please feel free to contact me should you require any bespoke cartoons for your business – you can see a couple more illustrations drawn for Go North West’s Key Worker series in the gallery as examples.
I will try and add some extra galleries now things are calmer by way of apology but until next time, I hope you enjoy the cartoons.
Cartoon for Go North West Cartoon for Go North West