Welcome to another cartoon gallery featuring some of my favourite work from early 2021. One of the first cartoons of the year (below) was a version of Janus which, of course, was rejected across the board – far too positive! Good news isn’t funny, you see. Now I realise there is still every chance that 2021 could be just as bad, or indeed worse, than 2020, but a little optimism made a nice change.
The rest of this update comprises the usual mix of cartoon work. There are a few drawings published by Private Eye Magazine, some corporate commissions, and some competition entries. Of this last group, I’m pleased to say that contribution to the UK Cartoon Museum‘s ‘Draw the Inauguration’ challenge was awarded second place.
Other notable cartoons in the collection (with varying degrees of seriousness) are a commemoration of the Perseverance Mars Rover landing, a ‘happy birthday’ celebration of Red Dwarf, and tribute to Captain Sir Tom Moore.
As ever, if you would like to order any cartoons for yourself or your business then please do not hesitate to get in touch and if you would like to see more work then you can always follow my social media feeds at @JamesDFMellor. I hope some of these raise a smile and help with that optimism and positivity! Until next time, I hope you enjoy the cartoons.
Perseverance Mars Rover ‘Draw A Better Future’ cartoon challenge Capt. Sir Tom Moore 1920-2021 2nd Placed cartoon in The Cartoon Museum’s ‘Draw the Inauguration Challenge’ Trump Pardons (Published in Private Eye) (Published in Private Eye) To D.C. A travelling circus came They brought an inelegant president and Donald was his name Free School Meals fiasco (published in Private Eye) The ‘Draw Keir Starmer’ challenge Corporate cartoon for SenseCheck EU vaccination woes Red Dwarf turns 33