Nov 30, 2014
Another selection from the past month – a month which included, amongst other things, a comet landing, a tightrope walk and the start of some Christmas ad campaigns… ‘The Imitation Game’ released The Rosetta mission lands the same week as a...
Nov 5, 2014
Pictures are not only powerful and clear ways to communicate your idea; they can remain in your mind for a long time. Whilst I provide illustrations to complement words or to act as stand-alone messages, I am reminded this time each year that pictures of words can...
Oct 30, 2014
A mini-gallery of illustrations and cartoons from the last month. If you require any cartoons for yourself, your business or your organisation then please feel free to get in touch. James. Contrived nature documentaries Tesco Woes Inventing the Wheel...
Sep 30, 2014
In no particular order, here are a few of the cartoons and illustrations produced this Summer for businesses, organisations, personal commissions and sometimes just for fun. Some accompanied presentations, some featured in articles, others were commissioned as...
Jul 1, 2014
I received a copy of Joe Sacco’s The Great War as a Christmas present last year. Not the cheeriest of gifts to unwrap on Christmas Day, but a truly brilliant work of art and a testament to the power of cartoons. His work, a 24 foot long panorama depicting the...