Christmas eCards

Christmas eCards

If you would like a unique cartoon to use as your eCard this Christmas please don’t hesitate to get in touch.  I’ll be happy to draw your ideas, come up with my own, or we can work together to create the right image. Whether you’re looking to...
Star Wars: Imagery and Effective Communication

Star Wars: Imagery and Effective Communication

At its heart, Star Wars is a great story.  It’s a classic good versus evil tale – but it’s more than that.  Star Wars is elevated above other stories thanks to its striking visual appeal.  A great business with a great message can...
Pillow Fighting

Pillow Fighting

And now for something completely different… Well, not completely different.  This is the Ohh Deer ‘Pillow Fight’ competition.  I’ve been providing bespoke cartoons and illustrations to support articles, social media posts, presentations and...
Cartoons from September

Cartoons from September

Back to work at full steam this month creating cartoons for presentations, social media posts and ‘live cartooning’ a charity event – a first for me. I’ll feature the charity cartoons separately, but very soon.   They were drawn for...
What Keeps MLROs awake at night?

What Keeps MLROs awake at night?

  A recent cartoon illustration supporting a Lysis Financial article for the Sunday Telegraph’s Business Reporter supplement on Fraud You can find the full article here: Spotlight: What keeps MLROs awake at...