I hope everyone reading this is keeping well and staying safe. Only one story has been in the news this month. Dark as it is, the shadow cast by the coronavirus still presents opportunities to be light-hearted.
In fact, it is more important than ever to maintain a sense of humour. On this theme, the Northants Telegraph recently published an article about my work at the moment – complete with a micro-gallery of coronavirus cartoons. Please feel free to take a look once you’ve had a nose around the gallery here.
One of the examples in the Telegraph article is the work I have been doing on behalf of transport companies across the country producing ‘thank you’ artwork for all key workers during the crisis and especially those transporting them to and from work.
All licensing fees have been waived for the key workers bus cartoon, so please feel free to share the image on your own social media feeds if you would like to share the sentiment.
I won’t paraphrase the entire article here, but crucially it explains the purposes cartoons have during times like these. They can send honest, earnest messages like the ‘thank you’ campaign and they can also provide much needed light relief.
People need some silliness and humour. Especially when they’re locked away from friends and family. I’m pleased to say that probably my silliest cartoon published yet appeared in the most recent Private Eye Magazine. I will reproduce it on this blog when I am able to.
I hope you enjoy this month’s cartoon selection. As you will see they are not all coronavirus related, even though the theme weighs heavily. For cartoons of your own, please contact me here. Otherwise, please stay safe and I will see you next time.
Kind regards,
p.s. My Anne Boleyn gag fell absolutely flat everywhere it appeared and probably doesn’t deserve a place in a ‘best of’. However, it’s reappearing here as I am determined that someone, somewhere will get it. One day.
Cartoon commissioned by Go North West Cartoon for Octomembers Cartoon for Octomembers Cartoon commissioned by 10Eighty for HR Grapevine Live 2020