No prizes for guessing that this month is a Brexit heavy cartoon update. There’s been an awful lot to work with over the past few weeks and, whatever one’s personal opinions on the matter, I think we can all agree that the UK is treading the line between comedy and tragedy very, very finely!
There are a couple of non-Brexit outliers in the mix too – a careless surgeon and a care home breakout are amongst the illustrations. In the next few days I’ll also be posting up some of the corporate cartoons I’ve been working on recently too. If you require any for your business you can always contact me here.
I hope you had a thoroughly jolly Brexit Day on the 29th, have an equally enjoyable time next Brexit Day (whenever that is – April 12th? May 22nd? Never?) and until then that you enjoy the cartoons.
Best wishes,
- Parliament takes control
- ‘Carehome’ for CCGB
- Brexit Impasse